Project Directors

  • Claudia E. Vanney
      Claudia Vanney holds PhD degrees in physics (Universidad de Buenos Aires) and in philosophy (Universidad de Navarra). She is full professor of physics, the director of the Philosophy Institute, and member of the governing board of Universidad Austral (Argentina). Her main research interests refer to the interdisciplinary dialogue, including issues in philosophy of science (e.g. models and scientific theories), in philosophy of physics (e.g. interpretations of quantum mechanics) and in science and religion (e.g. randomness in nature and divine action). She was the director of several interdisciplinary research projects, such as Determinism and Indeterminism: From Science to Philosophy in Spanish Speaking Academia. She is one of the editors of the Spanish Interdisciplinary Dictionary in Science, Philosophy and Theology. Prof. Vanney is the author of many publications in physics and in philosophy, includingPrincipios Reales y Conocimiento Matemático (Pamplona: EUNSA, 2008). In 1993, 1994 and 1995 she received the Scientific and Technology Prize from the Universidad de Buenos Aires. She has been visiting scholar at Universidad de Navarra (Spain) and at the University of Oxford (United Kingdom). Prof. Vanney is a member of the Editorial Advisory Board of Zygon, Arbor, Studia Poliana, Naturaleza y Libertad and Quaerentibus. See more.
  • Juan F. Franck
      Juan F. Franck has a PhD in philosophy (Internationale Akademie für Philosophie, Liechtenstein) and has done post-doctoral research in the US, Switzerland, Italy and Spain. He has published “From the Nature of the Mind to Personal Dignity” (CUA Press 2006) and a number of specialized articles. Between 2005 and 2010 he held a research position at Universidad Católica Argentina, where he focused on the problem of embodiment and on topics of the Theory of Knowledge. He joined the Institute of Philosophy in 2012 and focused on the Philosophy of Neurosciences. In his presentations and writings he tries to integrate different viewpoints (classical, modern, phenomenological, analytic) in order to approach the philosophical problems raised by the neurosciences. He also teaches Modern Philosophy at Universidad del Norte Santo Tomás de Aquino. See more.


  • Angela Suburo
      Angela Suburo has a PhD in Medicine (Universidad de Buenos Aires), and she specializes in neurosciences. She is a Senior Researcher at the National Council of Scientific and Technological Research (CONICET) and she is also Professor of Cellular and Molecular Medicine at Universidad Austral. She is member of several associations: Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (Chairperson of the Retinal Cell Biology section), Society for Neuroscience, International Society for Eye Research, Asociación de Investigación en Visión y Oftalmología, Sociedad Argentina de Neuroquímica and Sociedad Argentina de Investigación Clínica. She leads a group of young researchers dedicated to the study of neurodegenerative diseases in the retina and in the brain. She has written numerous articles. In 2011 her work “Mecanismos de protección de los fotorreceptores: papel de los glucocorticoides” received the Nocetti and Tiscornia Prize, awarded by the National Academy of Medicine (Buenos Aires). See more.
  • Mariano Asla
      Mariano Asla has a degree in Philosophy (Universidad Católica Argentina) and a PhD in Philosophy (Universidad de Navarra). He wrote the book "La gramática moral universal: ¿Una aproximación cognitivista a la ley moral?"[Universal Moral Grammar. A cognitive approach to natural law?] published by EUNSA. He is an Associate Professor of Philosophical Anthropology and Ethics at the School of Biomedical Sciences at the Universidad Austral. He is author of the book "La gramática moral univeral" (Universal Moral Grammar. A cognitive approach to natural law?), published by EUNSA. He is also a member of the Board of Ethics in Medicine (CAEEM) of the National Academy of Medicine. His research focus is philosophical naturalism, especially in areas such as cognitive science of morality and religion, and philosophy of pain, as well as the human universals and innatism.
  • Belén Mesurado
      Belen Mesurado has a degree in Psychology (Universidad del Norte Santo Tomás de Aquino), and a PhD in Psychology (Universidad Nacional de San Luis). She is a Research Associate of the National Council of Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET) based at the Interdisciplinary Center for Research in Mathematics and Experimental Psychology (CIIPME). She works on issues related to Positive Psychology, focusing on the study of family and psycho-emotional factors in promoting prosocial behaviors. She developed studies on optimal experience (flow) linked to the promotion of pro-social activities and academic commitment in childhood and adolescence.  
  • Pablo Brumovsky

    Pablo Brumovsky is Doctor in Biomedical Sciences from the Universidad Austral and holds a PhD in Neurosciences from the Karolinska Institute. He is Associate Researcher of CONICET at the Institute of Research in Traslational Medicine (CONICET-Universidad Austral) and Professor of Anatomy at the University Austral. He is a member of the International Association for the Study of Pain and directs a research group devoted to the study of chronic pain of visceral or somatic origin.

Associated Researchers

  • Juan José Sanguineti
    Juan José Sanguineti has a PhD in Philosophy (Universidad de Navarra, Spain). He is Professor of Philosophy of Knowledge at the School of Philosophy at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross (Rome). He has published fifteen books and nearly a hundred scientific articles on theory of knowledge, philosophy of science, philosophy of nature, philosophy of mind and the neurosciences. He was Director of the Scientific Committee of the Project STOQ III (Rome, 2007-2010, University of the Holy Cross, area of Neurosciences). He regularly delivers graduate courses and seminars at different universities in Latin America. He is ordinary member of the Pontifical Roman Academy of Saint Thomas and of the Sociedad Tomista Argentina. He is a member of the scientific committee of the journal Acta Philosophica (University of the Holy Cross). See more.
  • Ivana Anton Mlinar
    Ivana Anton Mlinar has a PhD in Philosophy from the National University of Cuyo – UNCuyo (as a grantee from DAAD in the Husserl-Archiv of the Cologne University, Germany). She is a Junior Researcher at the National Council of Scientific and Technological Research (CONICET) and she is Professor of Philosophy of Language at the UNCuyo. She is director of the journals Philosophiaand Revista de Fenomenología y Ciencia Cognitiva (with Jethro Masís). She directs the research project “Fenomenología y neurociencias: perspectivas en torno a la empatía” (UNCuyo) [Fenomenology and Neuroscience: Perspectives on Empathy] See more.  

Research Assistants

  • Ignacio del Carril
    Ignacio del Carril has a degree in Philosophy (Universidad Católica Argentina) and is currently developing doctoral research studies. The topic of his disertation is causality in the pihlosophy of biology of Pascual Jordan.
  • Ayelen Sanchez
    Ayelen Sanchez has a degree in Philosophy from the Universidad Nacional del Sur (UNS), where she works as an assistant in the courses of Methaphysics, Logic and History of Modern Philosophy. She is currently developing doctoral research in the area of Philosophy of the Mind. The main topic of her research is the atribution and self-atribution of intentionality, from the perspective of the dialogue between philosophy and some of the most relevant outcomes of the cognitive psychology.
  • Ignacio Aguinalde Sáenz
    Ignacio Aguinalde Sáenz has a degree in Philosophy and in Psychology, both from Universidad Católica Argentina. He is author of an introductory study to and an annotated translation into Spanish of Thomas Aquinas’ commentary on Aristotle’s On generation and corruption, The principles of nature, and other cosmological opuscula (Eunsa, 2005), and of the book Psychology (EDUCA 2009). He has collaborated with research projects of the University of Navarra. His areas of interest are the philosophy of nature, epistemology and cognitive psychology. He teaches Philosophical Anthropology and Statistics at the Biomedical School of Austral University. At present, he is at the end stage of his doctoral thesis on John Searle’s philosophy of mind.
  • Agustina Lombardi
    Agustina Lombardi is Lecturer of Philosophy at the Faculty of Biomedical Sciences of Austral University, and a PhD student with a CONICET doctoral scholarship at Universidad Católica Argentina, where she got her degree in Philosophy in 2011. In 2014 she was awarded a scholarship from the University of Oxford for a Master’s degree in Modern Theology, where she was Research Assistant at the Ian Ramsey Centre for Science and Religion.  Her area of interest is the phenomenology of the person, in relation to scientific research on freedom and the personal self.


  • María Echevarría
      María Echevarría has a degree in Philosophy (Universidad Católica Argentina).