Seminar “Lights and Shadows of Transhumanism”, that took place on May 18th and was organised by the Faculty of Biomedical Science with the Institute of Philosophy.

  • Genetics and reproduction at the dawn of the twenty-first century: truths and fiction. - Omar Pivetta
    Omar H. Pivetta is a physician graduated from the University of Buenos Aires, a specialist in Medical Genetics. He was a member of the Scientific Investigator Career of CONICET (until 2009) and Director of the National Center for Medical Genetics (until 2008). He is President of the Academic Council of Ethics in Medicine, of the National Academy of Medicine and Professor of Genetics of the Faculty of Biomedical Sciences of the Austral University.
  • Transhumanism and Neuroscience. The human neural enhancement. Cognitive enhancement and affective manipulation. Difificulties around free will. - Ángela María Suburo
    Angela Suburo has a PhD in Medicine (Universidad de Buenos Aires), and she specializes in neurosciences. She is a Senior Researcher at the National Council of Scientific and Technological Research (CONICET) and she is also Professor of Cellular and Molecular Medicine at Universidad Austral. She is member of several associations: Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (Chairperson of the Retinal Cell Biology section), Society for Neuroscience, International Society for Eye Research, Asociación de Investigación en Visión y Oftalmología, Sociedad Argentina de Neuroquímica and Sociedad Argentina de Investigación Clínica. She leads a group of young researchers dedicated to the study of neurodegenerative diseases in the retina and in the brain. She has written numerous articles. In 2011 her work “Mecanismos de protección de los fotorreceptores: papel de los glucocorticoides” received the Nocetti and Tiscornia Prize, awarded by the National Academy of Medicine (Buenos Aires).
  • Lights and Shadows of Transhumanism - Mariano Asla
    Mariano Asla has a degree in Philosophy (Universidad Católica Argentina) and a PhD in Philosophy (Universidad de Navarra). He wrote the book “La gramática moral universal: ¿Una aproximación cognitivista a la ley moral?”[Universal Moral Grammar. A cognitive approach to natural law?] published by EUNSA. He is an Associate Professor of Philosophical Anthropology and Ethics at the School of Biomedical Sciences at the Universidad Austral. He is author of the book “La gramática moral univeral” (Universal Moral Grammar. A cognitive approach to natural law?), published by EUNSA. He is also a member of the Board of Ethics in Medicine (CAEEM) of the National Academy of Medicine. His research focus is philosophical naturalism, especially in areas such as cognitive science of morality and religion, and philosophy of pain, as well as the human universals and innatism.
  • Transhumanism and the future of medicine: unlimited? lawless? - Jorge Insúa
    Jorge T. Insúa graduated as a Physician at the University of Buenos Aires (UBA) in 1978 and trained in various specialties. He was a resident of hospitals in Argentina and the Mount Sinai School of Medicine (New York). Author of a master’s thesis in bioethics, geriatrics and health services, he divides his time between clinical care, research and teaching, performing at the UBA, at the University Hospital Austral and at the Favaloro University.