Associate Professor of the Center for Food and Agribusiness, Universidad Austral, Argentina. My educational background includes a Ph.D. in Business Administration, MBA, and a bachelor’s degree in Economics. My main research interest is on topics such as innovation management, bio-based economics, ag value chains, and behavioral economics and agribusiness decision making. Presently I am working on the topics of 1) Analysis of Argentine farmers’ behavior and management practices, and 2) Biomass and bioeconomics in Argentina.
Primary Research Interests
Agribusiness and Agricultural economics
Agribusiness value chains analysis
Innovation Management
Awards and Honors
2020. Fellow distinction International Food and Agribusiness Management Association.
2018. Best Paper Award. International Food and Agribusiness Management Association (IFAMA), together with Pablo Mac Clay for the paper Analyzing Agribusiness Value Chains: A Literature Review.